Electric Blue

Electric Blue

Presented by edén and SuperDeluxe


2023/08/26 (土) 15:00 – 21:00JST
2023/08/26 (土) 15:00




Mustache X

Mustache X



Jay Zimmermann

Jay Zimmermann






Electric Blue


[Electric Blue]は勝浦海岸で望めるプリミティブな超自然


A one-day music party in a "paradise that should be nowhere else
Open ocean view with ocean breeze
Magic Hour with a beautiful gradation of colors
Fantastic moonlit night time
Colorful DJs will provide the music to match the changing scenery.
and will enhance the edén's spectacular experience to a more special time.

[Electric Blue] is a primitive supernatural experience on the Katsuura coast.
Like the blue flash of plankton twinkling in the water, [Electric Blue] is a primitive and supernatural place where
It is an image of a moment in paradise, where people communicate freely with each other, breaking down barriers.

We hope that everyone, both locals and non-locals, will look forward to this event.
We hope to create a new place for socializing that is different from the regular edén.

[Event Title]
edén and SuperDeluxe present
Electric Blue


Open & Music Start  15:00
Party Close          21:00 

edén Katsuura



Mustache X
Jay Zimmermann
アート倉持  Art Kuramochi

edén Katsuura


Mustahce X


ShigeoJD(ex.スケボーキング、theSAMOS, ATOM ON SPHERE, mold)とDJ MAAR(ex.DEXPISTOLS)によるFake Eyes Production における中核的存在であり、さらにはChristian Burkhardtや Einzelkind,Khidjaなどの世界で活躍するアーティストをゲストに迎え不定期に開催されているNOTTOOSERIOUSのプロデュースも手がける。

主な出演履歴としては、青山VENTにて、Khidja、Adriana Lopez, DJ NOBU,Mattew Dear, Moscoman, John Tejada,ATOM TM,石野 卓球,John Talabot,ANDREW WATHERALL, IVAN SMAGGHE,RED AXESなどの世界で活躍するアーティストらと共演。2017年には日本最大級のフェスFUJI ROCK FESTIVALに出演し,2018年にはドイツ、ベルリンにてCURSES主宰のアンダーグラウンドパーティーRATS IN PARADISEにゲストとして出演、そして毎年大晦日に開催されているDJ NOBU 主宰のFUTURE TERROには3年連続で出演している。さらにはロシア、モスクワではSimple Symmetryとも共演しサンクトペテルブルグではTancploshadkaにゲスト出演、メキシコシティのYUYUでプレイするなど多岐に渡って活躍している。

He started his DJ carrier in 2014. Even though his debut was hidden in mysterious veil as not be revealed his background and his anything, he became a famous DJ getting his popularity by his one and only charismatic character and his unique DJ style embracing cutting edge with his aesthetic.

He is the one of core members of Fake Eyes Production which was given a birth by ShigeoJD (ex.SBK, TheSAMOS, ATOM ON SPHERE, mold), DJ MAAR (ex.DEXPISTOLS) and YOUFORGOT. also the producer of the event named NOTTOOSERIOUS. which many famous Japanese DJs in the world like EINZELKIND, Chirisrian Burkhardt, Khidja, and MOSCOMAN.

He is the only person going back and forth between both fashion and music scene brilliantly on Tokyo underground scene where fashion and music are difficulty connected in deep level.

In 2017, he performed at the FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL, one of the largest festivals in Japan, and in 2018 is an underground party hosted by CURSES in Berlin, Germany. He has appeared as a guest at RATS IN PARADISE, and is a guest at the annual New Year's Eve party hosted by DJ NOBU. He has played in FUTURE TERRO three years in a row. In addition, he has played in the United States, Russia, Mexico, etc. frequently.



37A (

NEWWAVE DUBバンド「M.N.S.K.」のメンバー

Avant-garde and fun DJ focusing on mysterious music.
Member of NEWWAVE DUB band "M.N.S.K.




Jay Zimmermann

IBIZAからBURNING MAN、そしてここ東京に到るまで世界中のダンスフロアーを沸かせ続けてきた男、/ JAY ZIMMERMANN 。時にディープ、時にファンキーなテック・ハウスからファンクやディスコ、バレアリックなど幅広いスタイルを持ち、パーティーを知り尽くした選曲と絶妙なミックスでフロアーをピークに誘う。

盟友DANOと共に、レーベル『RED MELON RECORDS』の顔として、DJ CHUSHALOを始めとするアーティストと共に、パーカッシヴでとことんサイケデリックな新しいディープ・ハウスのスタイルを発明。GRAYHOUND勢やDOC MARTIN達と共にドープな方の西海岸サウンドを象徴する存在として世界的に活躍している。ピークタイムの2時間でも、6時間のロングセットでも彼の「クラウドを沸かせる」力量はサンフランシスコのパーティーピープルにはお馴染みのモノ。

サンフランシスコのSpundae@1015 FolsomDNA Loungeや、マイアミWMCでのMELONレジデンシーに加え、隔月開催のロサンゼルスSpundae/CircusでのMELON:LAX、伝説的ボートパーティーWatermelonなどでプレイ。またシンガポールZouk、イビサPacha、ブエノスアイレスOpera Bay、サンフランシスコReleaseなどを含む、世界17ヶ国以上でのプレイを経験。


Whether rocking a hard-hitting 2 hour peak-time set or taking the audience on a slow-burning 6 hour journey ranging from the deepest of soulful house, through tribal and percussive barnstormers, all the way to the progressive sounds of tech-house and beyond, Jay's ability to 'play for the crowd' has made him a consistent favorite among clubbers worldwide. 

Jay has performed at world-renowned venues including Womb, Ageha, Air, Eleven/Yellow, and Vision (Tokyo), Vent/Origami (Tokyo), Zouk (Singapore), Pacha (Ibiza), Opera Bay (Buenos Aires), Ruby Skye & 1015 Folsom (San Francisco), and numerous clubs & events in Brazil, France, Czech Republic, Portugal, UK, Indonesia, New Zealand, Bali, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Mexico, Korea, Spain, and more. Jay's is poised to launch an all-out assault on the ears of the global listening public with his unique blend of California-flavored international house music.



アート倉持 Art Kuramochi

1975年大阪生まれ。国内外の独立系文化とその周縁に集う人びとが生みだす表現、作品、場に強い関心を持つ。 1999年より約20年間、かつて東京の渋谷に存在した「UPLINK FACTORY」にてイベントや展示企画を担当。現在は拠点を房総半島に移し自身の活動を計画&展開中。漫画誌アックス(青林工藝舎)にてエッセイ『ル・デルニエ・クリの人びと』を、音楽レーベル「φonon」ウェブサイトに『東⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️信』を連載中。バンド「黒パイプ」のボーカル。左利き。

Born in Osaka in 1975. He has a strong interest in independent culture in Japan and abroad, and in the expressions, works, and places created by people who gather at the periphery of independent culture. For about 20 years since 1999, he was in charge of planning events and exhibitions at "UPLINK FACTORY," which used to exist in Shibuya, Tokyo. Currently, he has moved his base to Boso Peninsula and is planning and developing his own activities. He is currently writing an essay "People of Le Dernier Kuri" for the manga magazine Ax (Seirin Kogeisha) and "East ⚡️ Kyoto ⚡️ Feel ⚡️ Den ⚡️ Obi ⚡️ Street ⚡️ Trust" for the music label "φonon" website. Vocal of the band "Black Pipe. Left-handed.



↓↓以下edén Katsuura注意事項 



駐車場:乗用車170台2時間まで 200円


大人1時間 1,500円
子供1時間 1,000円
水着レンタル 1,000円
バスローブレンタル 1,000円
サウナハット購入 5,500円




↓↓edén Katsuura notes below 

[Please note the following]

ID check will be conducted at the venue. Please come to the venue with a photo ID.
Tickets are electronic tickets only. Please open the ticket page when you enter the venue, and you will receive a wristband.
The event will be held in accordance with the facility's operating rules and regulations. The event will be held even in the event of rain, unless there are extreme conditions such as stormy weather or natural disasters.
Re-entry after admission is possible upon presentation of the wristband. Please enjoy the nearby seaside.
Please refrain from driving while under the influence of alcohol.

There is a paid parking lot nearby.
Parking: 200 yen for up to 2 hours for 170 passenger cars

[Spa usage] ・Please bring your own swimsuit when using the SPA.
Use of the SPA is limited to those who bring their own swimsuits.
The maximum number of guests is limited to 40 at a time. Please wait until the limit is lifted.
Please be considerate and considerate of everyone's morals.
In principle, we prohibit people with tattoos from bathing, but if the size of the tattoo can be covered by a special sticker (14cm x 9.5cm per sticker), they may bathe.
However, if the size of the tattoo can be covered by a special sticker (14cm x 9.5cm), the guest may take a bath.
Please be sure to wear a bathing suit when using the baths.
Please take a shower before using the baths.

Adult 1 hour 1,500 yen
Children 1 hour 1,000 yen
Swimsuit rental 1,000 yen
Bathrobe rental 1,000 yen
Sauna hat purchase 5,500 yen

All prices include tax.

[Other Notes]
Pets are not allowed in the sauna.
Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, and only those who agree to the terms and conditions of the event will be allowed to enter.
There is no smoking area in the facility. On the day of the party, a smoking area will be set up in a part of the venue. If you are a smoker, please be considerate of your morals and manners so as not to cause inconvenience to others.

Please note the following
[What you are not allowed to bring to the party]
Food and beverages (during the event only), drones, musical instruments, percussion instruments, fireworks and other explosives, oil, kerosene heaters, other dangerous items, items prohibited by law, items that may disturb other guests, and items that may cause injury. Items will be confiscated and destroyed immediately upon discovery.




千葉県, 日本


google mapGoogleマップで開く


Electric Blue

2023/08/26 (土) 15:00 – 21:00JST


[Electric Blue] Entrance Ticket
